Friday, September 26, 2008

A new town, a fresh start and awhole lot more

I moved to Bundaberg on the 4th of July 2005, also know as Independance day in other parts of the world. But for me it was Independance day, it just had whole new meaning. It ment that I was going to now live my life for me. I had a fresh start, I was leaving behind the bad things that had happened to me and that I'd done in the past, (some of which I never mentioned in the previous blog but will aventually get to them as time goes by).

When I got to Bundaberg I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was happy, like really happy for the 1st time in a long time. We arrived at fathers and I unpacked the small amount of things I owned. Witchy-poo, a family friend who lived around the corner from father and who was one of fathers boss', said to me tomorrow we are taking you down to the high school and see if you want to enroll there if not we will go to tafe. She also said that she was going to take me into centrelink to try and get me paid so I had something to live off.

The next day, just as witchy-poo had said, we were in the car and heading to the high school. When we got there, there were other people waiting to go through the introduction process aswell. As time went on and I listened to the teacher that was speaking to us I realised that I didn't want to go back to high school. So I told witchy-poo and she said ok then we shall go down to the tafe and find something that I liked there.

When we arrived at tafe we walked up to the recption and sat down to speak to a lady about what my options were. We were told that because of my lack of addendance to high school there were a few things that I couldn't get into straight away. After flicking through the booklet I had narrowed it down to 2 subjects- Hospitality and Aged care. In the end I enrolled in Hospitality. I was so excited to be doing something different and couldn't wait till the following week when I started. After tafe we went to centrelink and to my surprise they said there was something they could do for me. All that I needed was to sit through a few interviews.

The next week was my 1st day at tafe and I loved it. I made a few friends and arranged to go out with rahh-rahh the following weekend. When that weekend came I was so excited and had some fun. I thought rahh-rahh was a little strange but at the time I didn't really care. A few weeks later rahh-rahh- asked me if I wanted to move in with her and her kids. I was excited and said yes. Rahh-rahh introduced me to new friends and we went out together every weekend. I still kept in contact with BF~S and we decided to give the long distance thing a shot.

2 weeks later I jumped on a train and headed to the Sunshine Coast to spend the weekend with BF~S. When I saw him at the train station I was excited, but didn't feel attracted to him as I once was. After afew days I got back on the train and headed to where I now called home. When I got back I felt like thsi was where I was ment to be. I ended it with BF~S 2 weeks later, I didn't think it was fair as I didn't have any feelings towards him anymore but we stayed as friends. He started ringing up everyday telling me he missed me and would get rather upset if I said that I was out or drinking. So when I got my 1st Bundaberg boyfriend I didn't dare tell him, as I still wanted to be friends and knew something like this would destroy that.

After many different boyfriends and many different break-ups, I was still talking to BF~S and he never suspected a thing. One night I was out with afew friends at moggies house when rahh-rahh and tink turned up. I went out to talk to them and they were saying how there was this guy in town driving a awesome looking lancer with a huge spoiler with balloons tied to his car. They then left to try and find him again. The next day we were out the frount of the house in which I now lived in and by this time tink had moved in aswell. We lived across the road from a high school. Just then tink spotted the lancer the lancer she had seen from the night before and was so excited that she wrote a note and placed it under the wiper blades. It said that we were going to be up town that night and to keep an eye out for us. We were going to be in a silver excell. We watched through the fence as jet boy read the note. I went back inside as I had to get ready for work at ATW. After work rahh-rahh picked me up and we went to the caltex so I could get changed. A bit later on we spotted jet boy and we yelled out to them to pull over. When he pulled over tink was telling saying that she was thinking about getting his number but was too scared to. I saw the chance, stuck my head out of the car and told jet boy I wanted his number, and sure enough I got it.

We started texting each other and as I found out more about him I started to like him. After a few days of us texting each other I ended up asking him out and he said yes. But after a week I ended it, I had feelings for him that I'd never had for anyone else and got scared. A few months went by and after me ending a few relationships because I couldn't get jet boy out of my head, I decided to text him to see if he wanted to catch up. Sure enough he did. Blondy was over and I suggested that we go for a drive with jet boy. As we were walking down the driveway blondy was saying how she couldn't believe that I ever went out with him, that was untill she saw his car, the jet. I didn't really fancy the car I was more interested in jet boy himself, Where as blondy was very interested in the jet. But none of that mattered and by the end of the night me and jet boy were back together.

Afew weeks later me and rahh-rahh had a fight and I moved out of there and back in with father. Jet boy and I were going well, until blondy asked him if they could get to know each other more. Jet boy didn't no what she ment by that and thought it ment to be friends so he asked me if it was ok. I got very upset and ended it between us, as me and blondy were no longer friends and I knew what she was trying to do. For months and months I didnt speak to anyone i use to hang around with, only miss tease. But one day she rang me and dropped a bomb shell. she told me her mum was sending her back down to Bendigo to live and that she was leaving the next week. I was devostated. After she moved away I got a job around the corner at the golf club. I was loving it , the money was good and I made new friends. One night when I was out with shazz I spotted the jet. I was so excited that I told ash to catch up to that car. When we did I yelled out to him and he looked over puzzled as My hair was now very short. So I rang him and he was happy to hear from me. We texted each other all night and I told him he should come over the next dat for a visit.

When he turned up I got butterflies in my tummy and feelings started coming back. We started hanging out when I wasnt at work. One night we went out and I was again talking to rahh-rahh. Then blondy sent jet boy a message and asked what he was doing, as he was driving I replied and said that he was out with me. All of a sudden the phone rang and one of blondy's friends was abusing him for being out with me. We decided to go for a long drive and see where we ended up. After a hour into the trip and may abusive phone calls and text messages jet boys dad rang and said he thougt it was best if we came home. So we turned the car around and may our way back. we dropped rahh-rahh at the petrol station near the air port and she got picked up by a different friend. JBD didn't think it was a safe idea that he drops me off so I went back to his house for the night.

The next day rahh-rahh picked me up and took me back out to fathers. I was out a few nights later with jet boy when blondy and her retarded friends decided that they would follow us. I wanted jet boy to stop but he didn't think that that was a good idea. We made it to witchy-poo's house and one of the cars stopped on the other side of the road. I got out of the jet yelling at the retards. None of them had any clue who me and jet boy were they were just told by blondy to follow us (there was 3 cars). I started to make my way down to the 2nd car at the end of the street when they drove off. witchy-poo followed us back to fathers place to make sure they weren't going to try and follow us again. when we got to fathers jet boy rang JBD and said to meet him at the police station. So we did, by the end of the night me and jet boy were back together. A few days later we took out a good behaviour order out against blondy.

In September 2006 blondy was served with the order and we were glad it was over. After the court case we hung around town for awhile because I had a doctors app. Before the app we went to the RSPCA and ended up leaving with a new puppy samson. I was dropped at the doctors and told her that I think I might be pregnant. She gave me a cup to take a test. I went to the nurse area with my sample and then it was confermed. I was pregnant and jet boy was set to become a daddy. When I got back into the car he had no clue as to what I was about to say. When I told him he was quiet. We went back to his place and I had to convince him to tell his parents. They weren't happy to start with but after my ultrasound confermed that I was indeed pregnant they came around to the idea slowly. As I had had a fight with father a few weeks before hand I was crashing at rahh-rahhs. I didn't to move into there again and didn't want to go back to fathers jet boys parents decided that it was best if I moved in there......

and so the journey continues..............

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